We are Shica

Our Mission

Connecting smart work with smart people.

Our Platform

Building the world’s largest library of helpful resources.

Our Values

Giving Author’s the lion’s share of any income.


Sharing is Caring

Most professionals waste hours every week searching for resources or subject matter experts, and “reinventing the wheel” by duplicating work that has already been done.

Shica, coined from the term Sharing is Caring, was created to help everyone access the tools they need from industry experts they trust. By bridging the knowledge gap across different cultures, languages and industries we aim to fuel passions, ignite connections and be a catalyst for creativity, collaboration & efficiency in the world of business & innovation. 

Our Founding Story

Our founding team are a mix of start-up veterans & leaders from the world of tech. Throughout our careers we realized how much more we could achieve when accessing tools and inspiration from others. We also noticed that people and teams at large excel rapidly when innovative resources flowed freely and quickly.

That’s when we saw the potential impact that sharing on a global scale could have on business and innovation. So we decided to build a platform where industry experts everywhere can share their resources, and be rewarded for publishing great work.

- Rita Kaur, Founder



We are an Ireland Corporation, run as a global virtual team located in 7 countries around the world. We believe in being great partners, in making our users wildly successful and in building our platform to make the world a better place.

General Inquiries


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Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.

Dalai Lama XIV